Thursday, February 5

Outside the Box

#36 leads right in to what I'm thankful for, so I will tell you about my realization yesterday first.

I am an idea person. I think that's where my true creativity lies, in my ideas. It's not actually in scrapbooking/card making like I would hope, but more in the ideas, especially thinking outside the box. In my professional life, I can probably count the number of times on one hand that I have been reluctant to change or try new things. I really enjoy trying to think outside the box and come up with new/different ideas that could solve problems.

Now, here's the downfall - as good as I am at coming up with these things, I'm equally bad at following through. That's one of my goals for this year is to improve my follow-through on commitments.

Anyway, #36 is that I'm thankful I'm able to be creative in my ideas. I'm not a fan of sitting still, waiting for something to fall apart while an idea doesn't work. I'm not a fan of not thinking ahead so problems won't be anticipated. I'm not a fan of being stuck inside a little box of thoughts that doesn't allow for creative problem solving. I'm also thankful that I recognize my weakness in the follow-through, so I can work to correct it, but that's a whole other post.

One day til the weekend; happy dance!!

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