Wednesday, January 28

A New Blog to Stalk

Those of you who are aware of my creative obsessiveness know that I stalk several blogs daily. These are women who inspire me with their creativity, and more often than not, leave me in awe of their amazing talents. On my most recent blog stalk, the very talented Ali Edwards recommended the blog of a jewelry designer Andrea Scher (Superhero Designs). So, I ventured over to her blog and found these lovely words:

It's true that I have been thinking about this a lot as I watch Obama tirelessly give speeches, attend parties, and grin for the camera. Just looking at the magazine rack these days will make your head spin, seeing his face on so many covers. That man must be so tired! But someone told me once that we are every character in our dreams... and I see that it holds true in this case as well. Some part of me was whispering, "Let go... It's okay to preserve your energy. People will still love you."
I offer this up because I suspect that there more of you out there. We give sometimes because we are afraid... afraid people will not like us if we don't, that we won't be generous if we don't, that we will be forgotten. Sometimes we don't have it in us, but we are afraid to let go, to trust that just being who and how we actually are is enough. This little dream for me was a gentle whisper and call to authenticity... an invitation to relax in knowing that I am loved and held unconditionally, that I can put down the striving, at least for a moment.

Can I have these printed on a tshirt?? First, how awesome to see someone who is obviously so talented and therefore busy as can be write these words. I have this issue more often than I care to admit, generally finding myself completely stretched thin on most days. I try to remind myself that doing it all means all my commitments won't get ALL of me, but that little voice in my head is often overshadowed by my desire to please everyone. Yes, I have lofty ambitions, but I am not a superhero. I do not have extra hours in the day to draw upon for all the things I commit myself to doing.

Does that mean I can stop, just like that? No, probably not. I don't want to let down the people I've already made commitments to. But, I will think before I agree to something again, and I will try to be careful volunteering my time (that I don't really have!) Our wedding, our home, our families, and our time together are so important and I need to realize that they are top priorities!

Speaking of family, my little Monster was spayed on Monday. She made it through everything just fine (even had a couple of teeth pulled) and is back to her wild little self! We can tell she's tired, but she's a trooper around everyone else, running and jumping and playing like normal. While she was gone, Mike and I were worried sick, and I realized a little how scary it is going to be to be a parent. I guess we'll keep preparing and cross that bridge when we come to it.

I haven't stamped in many many weeks. My room is a complete disaster and I generally cry just walking in to it. I know organizing things will take time, and we don't have much of it, but it's exceptionally frustrating not to be able to do what I love without having to crawl through piles of stuff.

In wedding news: we have a lead on a caterer, and I've figured out what I'm doing for pew decorations, so I've been busily making them. Tedious, repetitive, (seemingly) never-ending...but I love the result!!

Have a fantastic day!!

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